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Primary School 9:00am - 3:15pm

Morning Registration and devotions 9:00-9:10am

Morning break 10:30am–11:00am

Lunch break 12:00noon–1:00pm

Foundation & Key Stage 1 also have an afternoon break

There are a mix of 40 minute and 1 hour lessons in the day.

See timetable attached here.

Secondary School 8:50am - 3:30pm

Morning Registration 8:50-9:00am

Devotions 9:00-9:10am (extended on Mondays to 9:20am)

Morning break 10:50-11:10am

Lunch break 12:50-1:40pm

Afternoon Registration 1:40-1:50pm

There are six lesson periods per day, all 50 minutes long, see timetable attached here. Some lessons may have a double period making a 1 hour 40 minute long lesson.

School Assemblies


Every Monday morning, and the first morning of each full term, we have our Whole School Assembly 9:20-10am.


The Primary School Assembly is on Friday mornings 9:15-9:45am.

The Secondary School Assembly and PSHE lessons are during Period 4 on Fridays 12:20-12:50pm

All our assemblies will start with a time of singing praise and worship to the Lord, followed by Biblical teaching on various subjects. The Primary school will celebrate the children's achievements with the issuing of that week's merit certificates. Our Years 10 and 11 pupils have the opportunity to lead worship and teach individually, or as a class, in both the Whole School Assembly as well as the Secondary School Assembly.

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