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Music is a key part of our school community and enjoyed by all, from grade 8 performers through to beginners. In addition to general music class lessons in the school, the Music department offers individual lessons on certain instruments including piano, violin, drums, saxophone, clarinet, recorder, guitar and voice. The current scale of fees can be obtained from the school office.

The Music department also run choirs and orchestra/ensemble in both Primary and Secondary departments. These groups perform at various events throughout the year, including awards events, carol services and summer concerts.

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We run a comprehensive PE programme, combining making the best use of our on-site MUGA, field & hall with use of local facilities. Activities change every half-term, covering a wide range of sports, progressing from basic fitness and skill development in the early years, through to more advanced techniques at GCSE levels. Primary pupils learn to swim through Years 2-6 at the local pool.

Lunchtime sports clubs and inter-house matches are a regular feature at King's, along with after school clubs, such as multi-sport and table tennis.

We run regular fixtures with other small schools in football and netball, plus occasional matches in other sports such as basketball and rounders. Table-tennis is a popular sport at King's and our teams have a successful record at district and county level against the local state schools, as well as at national ISA events.


Athletics is our main thrust in summer, with many opportunities to compete, including our own Primary and Secondary sports days, the Christian Schools' Sports Day, District and County champs and ISA regional and national events. Having joined ISA recently we are increasing our involvement in their tournaments year on year and our pupils are really benefitting from these extra opportunities.


Residential Trips

Year 9 are invited to take part in an outdoor & adventurous activities trip, usually in May, staying on the border of Wales.

Years 5 & 6 enjoy a bi-annual week long residential activities trip.

Year 10 Geography pupils usually take a two day trip to Hampshire, enjoying a mix of fieldwork, activities and fun at the beach in July.

Periodically we organise a ski trip for pupils from Years 4-11 during the Spring Term.

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School Exchanges

The school has links with a Secondary school in Germany, and a small Secondary school in the village of L'Isle, in the French speaking region of Switzerland. Annual residential exchange visits, to and from these schools, aid our Secondary students in their German and French language skills.

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