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School Uniform

The school uniform is purchased through the Stevensons School Shop in St Albans. Orders are also available online and they provide a Click and Collect service through their small outlet in Harpenden.

The school's Second-Hand Uniform Shop is open most Wednesdays from 3pm until 4pm in our Media Centre.

For more information, please contact the school by email, via our web form or call us on 01582 767566

Extra guidance and rules regarding uniform and appearance:

  • No jewellery may be worn, except one set of small plain stud earrings in lobes of girls who have pierced ears.

  • Fingernails unvarnished.

  • No visible make-up or false eyelashes.

  • Hair that is long enough MUST be tied back, out of the eyes, with navy blue, black, white or hair colour hair accessories at all times while in school uniform. If a style is used that leaves hair on the shoulders, then pupils will be told to tie it back in a ponytail, bun, etc, for lessons where this is deemed necessary for health & safety. Hair, including extensions or braids, should only be a natural hair colour. Fringes below the eyebrows must be clipped or tied back to keep the hair from covering the eyes.

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